Du鈥檃s for the Month of Dhul Hijjah

The month of Dhul Hijjah is a blessed time in which we remember the various sacrifices and struggles of Prophet Ibrahim (as), Ismail (as) and Hajar (as) - amongst many others - through the rites and rituals of Hajj and Qurbani (Udhiyah).
During this holy month, there are many blessed opportunities to seek forgiveness, guidance and protection from Allah (swt). So, follow our du鈥檃 guide and make the best of this sacred time of the Islamic calendar, insha鈥橝llah.听
On the Day of 鈥楢rafah
Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "The best du鈥檃 is the du鈥檃 on the Day of 鈥楢rafah, and the best thing that I and the prophets before me said is:
賱賻丕 廿賽賱賴賻 廿赛賱賾賻丕 丕賱賱賾賻賴購 賵賻 丨購丿賻賴購 賱丕賻 卮賻乇賽賷賰賻 賱賻賴購 貙 賱賻賴購 丕賱購賲購丕購賰購 賵賱賻賴購 丕賱丨賻賲購丿購 賵賻 赖购賵賻 毓賻賱賻賶 賰購賱賾賽 卮賻賷亍賺 賯賻丿賽賷乇賹
L膩 il膩ha illall膩h, wa岣 dahu l膩 shareeka lah, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu, wa huwa 鈥榓l膩 kulli shay-in qadeer
'There is nothing that deserves to be worshipped except Allah, He is Alone and has no partner, to Him belongs the dominion and to Him belongs all praise, and He is All-Powerful over all things.'"听(Tirmidhi)

At morning and night
The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "He who recites in the morning and in the evening the [following] statement one hundred times, will not be surpassed on the Day of Resurrection by anyone with better deeds than one who utters the same words or utters more of these words:
爻购亘賿丨賻丕賳賻 丕賱賱賾赖赛 賵賻 亘赛丨賻賲賿丿赛赖赛
Sub岣n-Allahi wa bi岣mdihi
'Glory to Allah and praise Him.'"(Muslim)
When seeking guidance
The Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
丕賱賱賾赖购賲賾賻 乇賻亘賾賻 噩赛亘賿乇賻丕卅赛賷賱賻 賵賻 賲赛賷賰賻丕卅赛賷賱賻 賵賻 廿赛爻賿乇賻賮赛賷賱賻 , 賮賻丕胤赛乇賻 丕賱爻賾賻賲賻賵賻丕鬲赛 賵賻 丕賱兀賻乇賿囟赛 , 毓賻丕賱赛賲賻 丕賱賿睾賻賷賿亘赛 賵賻 丕賱卮賾賻赖賻丕丿賻赖赛 , 兀賳賿鬲賻 鬲賻丨賿賰购賲购 亘賻賷賿賳賻 毓赛亘賻丕丿赛賰 賮赛賷賲賻丕 賰賻丕賳购賵丕 賮赛賷赖赛 賷賻禺賿鬲賻賱赛賮购賵賳賻 , 丕赖賿丿赛賳赛賷 賱赛賲賻丕 丕禺賿鬲购賱赛賮賻 賮赛賷赖赛 賲赛賳賻 丕賱賿丨賻賯賾賻 亘赛廿赛匕賳赛賰 廿賳賾賻賰 , 鬲賻赖賿丿赛賷 賲賻賳賻 鬲賻卮賻丕亍购 廿赛賱賻賶 氐赛乇賻丕胤赚 賲购爻賿鬲賻賯赛賷賲
All膩humma rabba Jibreela wa Mik膩鈥檈ela wa Isr膩feel, f膩tir-as samaw膩ti wal-ard, 鈥樐乴im al-ghaybi wash-shah膩dah, anta takumu bayna 鈥榠b膩dika fi ma k膩nu fihi yukhtalifoon, ihdini limakhtulifa fihi min al-haqq bi idhnika, innaka tahdi man tasha鈥檜 ila sir膩tin mustaqeem
'O Allah, Lord of Jibraeel, Mikael and Israfeel, You are the Originator of the heavens and the earth, the One who has all knowledge of the unseen and what is visible. You judge between Your worshippers in what they differ, guide me to the truth by Your permission in what they differ, indeed You are the One who guides to the Straight Path.'听(Muslim)

When asking forgiveness
The Prophet (saw) said: "Indeed the major supplication for forgiveness is:
丕賱賱賾賻赖购賲賾賻 兀賻賳賿鬲賻 乇賻亘賾賻賷 , 賱賻丕 廿赛賱賻赖賻 廿赛賱賾賻丕 兀賻賳賿鬲賻 , 禺賻賱賻賯賿鬲賻賳赛賷 , 賵賻 兀賻賳賻丕 毓賻亘賿丿购賰賻 , 賵賻 兀賻賳賻丕 毓賻賱賻賶 毓賻赖賿丿赛賰賻 賵賻 賵賻毓賿丿赛賰賻 賲賻丕 丕爻賿鬲賻胤賻毓賿鬲购 , 兀賻毓购匕购 亘赛賰賻 賲赛賳賿 卮賻乇賾賻 賲賻丕 氐賻賳賻毓賿鬲购 , 兀賻亘购賵亍购 賱賻賰賻 亘赛匕賻賳賿亘赛賷 賵賻 兀賻亘购賵亍购 賱賻賰賻 亘赛賳赛毓賿賲賻鬲赛賰賻 毓賻賱賻賷賾賻 , 賮賻丕睾賿賮赛乇賿 賱赛賷 賮賻廿赛賳賾賻赖购 賱丕 賷賻睾賿賮赛乇购 丕賱匕賾购賳购賵亘賻 廿赛賱丕 兀賻賳賿鬲賻
All膩humma anta rabbee, l膩 ilaha illa anta, khalaqtanee, wa ana 鈥榓bduka, wa ana 鈥榓la 鈥榓hdika wa wa鈥檇ika mastata鈥檛u, a鈥檕odhu bika min sharri ma sana鈥檛u, aboo鈥檜 laka bi dhambee wa aboo鈥檜 laka be ni鈥檓atika a鈥檒ayya, faghfirlee fa innahu la yaghfiru adh-dhunooba illa anta
'O Allah You are my Lord, there is none worthy of worship except You, You created me and I am Your slave and I abide by Your covenant and promise as best as I can, I seek refuge in You from the evil that I have committed, I profess to you my sins and I acknowledge Your favour upon me, so forgive me, for verily no one forgives sins except You.'
So whoever says this with certainty when the morning arrives and dies during that day before evening, then he is from the people of Paradise and whoever says it with certainty in the evening, and dies before the morning, then he is from the people of Paradise." (Bukhari; Tirmidhi)

When seeking protection from harm
The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "He who recites three times every morning and evening, then nothing will harm him:
亘赛爻賿賲赛 丕賱賱賾赖赛 丕賱賾賻匕赛賷赛 賱丕 賷賻囟购乇賾购 賲賻毓賻 丕爻賿賲赛赖赛 卮賻賷賿亍购 賮赛賷赛 丕賱兀乇囟赛 賵賻 賱丕賻 賮赛賷 丕賱爻賾賻賲賻丌亍赛 , 賵賻 赖购賵賻 丕賱爻賾賻賲赛賷毓购 丕賱賿毓賻賱赛賷賲購
Bismillahil-ladhi la yadurru ma `as-mihi shai鈥檜n fil-ardi wa la fis-sama鈥檌, wa huwas-sami`ul-`aleem
'In the Name of Allah with Whose Name there is protection against every kind of harm in the earth or in the heaven, and He is the All-Hearing and All-Knowing.'"听(Tirmidhi)
When seeking blessings
Allah (swt) tells us in the Holy Qur鈥檃n:
乇賻亘賾賻賳賻丌亍賻 丕鬲赛賳賻丕 賮賷赛 丕賱丿賾购賳賿賷賻丕 丨賻爻賻賳賻丞賸 賵賻 賮賷赛 兀賱賿兀賻禺赛乇賻丞赛 丨賻爻賻賳賻丞賸 賵賻 賯赛賳賻丕 毓賻匕賻丕亘賻 兀賿賱賳賾賻乇赛
Rabbana atina fid-dunya hassanatan wa fil 膩kihirati hassanatan waqina 鈥榓dh膩ban-n膩r
鈥極ur Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.鈥 (2:201)
Whether you鈥檙e going to the holy city of Makkah to perform Hajj or spending the Qurbani period at home, from everyone at 九色视频 we鈥檇 like to wish you a Happy Eid al-Adha and a blessed Dhul Hijjah!
See our Qurbani locations and order your Qurbani here.听