10 Interesting Facts about 鈥橝shura You NEED to Know!

1. The meaning of 'Ashura
鈥楢shura is derived from the word 鈥楢sharah, which means ten in Arabic. 'Ashura is the 10th day of Muharram and this year it falls on Tuesday 16th July 2024.
2. 'Ashura falls within the Sacred Month of Allah (swt)
Al-Muharram is one of the sacred months alluded to in the following Qur鈥檃nic verse:
鈥業ndeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve [lunar] months in the register of Allah [from] the day He created the heavens and the earth; of these, four are sacred. That is the correct religion, so do not wrong yourselves during them鈥︹ [The Noble Qur鈥檃n, 9:36]
Al-Muharram is further mentioned in the following hadith:
On the authority of Abu Bakrah (ra) that the Prophet (saw) said, 'Time has come back to its original state which it had when Allah created the Heavens and the Earth; the year is twelve months, four of which are sacred. Three of them are in succession: Dhul-Qa鈥榙ah, Dhul-Hijjah, Al-Muharram and Rajab of Mudar [named after the tribe of Mudar as they used to respect this month], which stands between Jumada (ath-Thani) and Sha鈥榖an'. [Bukhari]
3. Allah saved Musa (as) and the Children of Israel on 鈥楢shura
It was on 鈥楢shura that Allah split the Red Sea so that Musa (as) and the Children of Israel could escape Pharaoh and his army.
'Then We inspired to Musa [as], 鈥淪trike with your staff the sea,鈥 and it parted, and each portion was like a great towering mountain. And We advanced thereto the pursuers. And We saved Musa [as] and those with him, all together. Then We drowned the others. Indeed in that is a sign, but most of them were not to be believers. And indeed, your Lord - He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful'. [The Noble Qur鈥檃n, 26:63-68]

Therefore, Musa (as) would fast on 鈥楢shura to commemorate this righteous day and show gratitude to Allah - and the Prophet Muhammed (saw) followed in his footsteps.
Ibn Abbas (ra) said, 'The Prophet (saw) came to Madinah and saw the Jews fasting on the day of 鈥楢shura. He said, "What is this?" They said, "This is a righteous day. It is the day when Allah saved the Children of Israel from their enemies, so Musa [as] fasted on this day". He said, "We have more right to Musa [as] than you", so he fasted on that day and commanded [the Muslims] to fast on that day'. [Bukhari]
4. Giving charity on 鈥楢shura is equal to an entire year鈥檚 worth of charity
The Sahabah (ra) not only fasted on 'Ashura, they also singled it out for giving charity. Abdullah bin Amr bin al-As (ra) said, 'Whoever fasts 鈥楢shura it is as if he has fasted the entire year. And whoever gives charity this day it is like the charity of an entire year'. [Ibn Rajab鈥檚 Lata鈥檌f al-Ma鈥榓rif]
If you are looking for a good cause to give to this 'Ashura, we highly recommend giving Sadaqah Jariyah to blessed Yemen! Your donation to the Yemen Water Fund will provide safe water to thousands of vulnerable families in this life while maximising your rewards in the next life.

Don't miss out on the chance to gain the rewards of giving Sadaqah Jariyah for an entire year!
5. Fasting on 鈥楢shura wipes out the sins of the past year
On the authority of Abu Qatadah (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw), was asked about fasting on the day of 鈥楢shura, and he said, 'It expiates [wipes out the minor sins of] the past year'. [Muslim]
6. It is recommended to fast beyond the day of 鈥楢shura
When the Prophet came to Madinah he noticed that the Jews would fast on 鈥楢shura to commemorate the day Allah saved Musa (as) and the Children of Israel from Pharaoh. So, to distinguish the Ummah from the People of the Book, the Prophet (saw) advised the believers to fast for another day alongside 鈥橝shura - the 9th or the 11th of Muharram.
The Prophet (saw) said, 'Fast the Day of 鈥楢shura and be different from the Jews by fasting a day before it or a day after it'. [Ahmad]
He (saw) also said, 'If I remain [alive] till the following year, I will most certainly fast the ninth [alongside the 10th al-Muharram]'. [Muslim]
7. 鈥楢shura is an immense day of repentance
The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, 'If you will fast after the month of Ramadan, then fast al-Muharram. For indeed it is Allah鈥檚 month, in which there is a day that Allah accepted the repentance of a people (i.e. the people of Yunus (as)), and in which He accepts the repentance of other people'. [Tirmidhi]
8. Allah rewards generosity to your family on 鈥楢shura
The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, 'One who generously spends on his family on the day of 鈥楢shura, Allah will be generous on him for the entire year'. [Tabarani]
Regarding this, Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (rh) quotes Sufyan ibn Uyayna (rh) as saying, 鈥業 have practiced this [spending on the family] for fifty or sixty years and have found nothing but good in it鈥. [Lata鈥檌f al-Ma鈥榓rif]
You can be generous by sharing a special gift with your loved ones on 鈥橝shura. Gift a in their name and not only benefit from the reward of being generous to your family on 鈥楢shura, but also reap the rewards of giving Sadaqah Jariyah on this special day by benefiting someone in need. Alhamdulillah, we have a range of life-changing gifts that suit every taste and budget!

9. The covering (Kiswah) of the Ka鈥榖ah used to be changed on 鈥楢shura
Aishah (ra) said, 'The people used to fast on 'Ashura before the fasting of Ramadan was made obligatory. And on that day the Ka鈥榖ah used to be covered with a cover. When Allah made the fasting of the month of Ramadan compulsory, Allah鈥檚 Messenger (saw) said, 鈥榃hoever wishes to fast (on the day of 鈥楢shura) may do so; and whoever wishes to leave it can do so'. [Bukhari]
10. Nuh鈥檚 (as) ark landed on Mount Judiyy (modern day Turkiye) on 鈥楢shura
鈥業n a narration reported by Imam Ahmad (rh), it was on this day that the Ark of Nuh (as) came to rest on Mount Judiyy鈥. [Tafsir Ibn Kathir]
鈥楢nd it was said, 鈥淥 earth, swallow your water, and O sky, withhold [your rain]鈥. And the water subsided, and the matter was accomplished, and the ship [the ark of Nuh (as)] came to rest on the [mountain of] Judiyy. And it was said, 鈥淎way with the wrongdoing people鈥濃. [The Noble Qur鈥檃n, 11:44]
九色视频 is an award-winning charity, established in 1993 to tackle the root causes of poverty and provide emergency relief. We hope this article was helpful to you - please do share with friends and family! May Allah enable us to maximise our rewards and draw closer to Him on blessed 'Ashura, amin!